Speaking candidly about his life, billionaire Bill Gates cites the dissolution of his 27-year marriage to Melinda French Gates as his greatest error.
The Times of London interviewed the Microsoft tycoon before to the publication of his autobiography, “Source Code.” Gates stated in the interview that his divorce was “the mistake I most regret.”
“There is a certain wonderfulness to spending your entire adult life with one person because of the memories and depth of things you have done and having kids together,” Gates stated. “I was reasonably successful when Melinda and I first met, but not particularly so during our time together. She thereby helped me get through a lot.
Declaring their love irretrievably damaged, the pair announced their separation in 2021.
In the subsequent year, he stated on NBC News’ “TODAY” program that the divorce was “definitely a sad thing.”
“I am accountable for inflicting my family a great deal of suffering. “That year was difficult,” Gates remarked. “I feel good that all of us are moving forward now.”
At first, he and French Gates kept up their collaboration through The Gates Foundation, one of the biggest private philanthropic institutions in the world. The pair agreed to manage the organization for two years at the time of the divorce. After those two years ended, French Gates would step down as trustee and co-chair if it became a problem.
French Gates told The Times of London that he was “disappointed” by her choice to retire last year. Despite the fact that the divorce was “miserable” for both of them, Gates’ interview suggests that they are doing well.
“Melinda and I still see each other we have three kids and two grandchildren so there are family events,” Gates stated. “The children are thriving. They are morally upright.
When the Times asked Gates if he had any regrets outside the divorce, he said, “There are others, but none that matter.”