Snowstorm Safety: Chautauqua County Urges Residents to Clear Fire Hydrants for Public Safety
(WNY News Now) Chautauqua County officials are urging citizens to help keep fire hydrants clear as the region experiences severe snow accumulation. This could improve emergency response times and even save lives.Mayville, New York Chautauqua County is asking citizens to take action by removing snow from fire hydrants since the area is covered with a lot of snow. Having fire hydrants close by guarantees that firemen can react swiftly to crises, possibly saving lives and property.This week, local fire departments are putting in a lot of effort to keep hydrants clear of snow, but they are not alone in their efforts. By spending a few minutes clearing snow from hydrants close to their residences or places of business, residents may have a big impact. Public safety will be enhanced throughout...