Pastor fights off axe-wielding man attempting to burglarize church on Thanksgiving
After breaking into a church in Antioch early on Thursday morning, a Thanksgiving burglar received more than he had anticipated. The pastor of the church, who is martial arts trained, challenged the would-be thief.
According to Pastor Nick Neves, I yelled at him to stop and that the police were coming. He fled, but I caught him and we ended up grappling in the church parking lot.
The burglar was unaware of the pastor's martial arts training.
According to him, I have a mixed martial arts background, enjoy being in shape, and have learned kickboxing and jujitsu. Therefore, being able to wrestle with this gentleman without seriously hurting him was really beneficial.
The burglar struggled for 12 to 15 minutes before the police showed up.
He jumped up and made multiple attempts to escape afte...