Chautauqua County 4-H Youth Leaders Sharpen Skills at Annual Officer Training

(WNY News Now) Chautauqua County 4-H Club Officers get together for leadership training to improve their abilities in club management, cooperation, and parliamentary process.

New York’s Jamestown (November 20, 2024) Recently, 4-H club officers received training from Cornell Cooperative Extension’s 4-H Youth Development Program in Chautauqua County. On October 1st, the new 4-H year got underway. Thirteen clubs throughout the county have a new slate of officials for the new year. Officers of 4-H clubs are crucial in running club business meetings and helping to organize club activities for the next 4-H year.

On Wednesday, November 13th, 35 officers from 4-H youth clubs gathered at the JCC Carnahan Center to learn about Roberts Rules of Order, Parliamentary Procedure, meeting management, and officer responsibilities. Everyone in attendance was given access to a number of materials to assist them in navigating their particular club officer job.

Nancy Johnson, a 4-H volunteer, gave a general presentation to all of the elected youth club officers present at the start of the event. After that, 4-H volunteers formed breakout groups to assist young people with more specialized training for different officer positions. Presidents and vice presidents received specialized training from Louis Smith. Laura LeBarron provided guidance to individuals in the Secretary role. While Brandi McIntyre assisted the Club Historians and Reporters in learning how to succeed in their roles, Lindsay Eckman worked with the Club Treasurers.

After that, the youth got back together to learn together through a practical exercise. The game Mix It Up, which teaches how to have productive group conversations and decision making while creating a tasty snack, served as an example of parliamentary procedure.

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The Chautauqua County 4-H is appreciative of all the volunteers who gave of their time and knowledge to guide our young people to succeed in their roles as club officers. We are grateful to the parents, leaders, and volunteers who helped make this event possible in 2024!

The Cornell Cooperative Extension of Chautauqua County (CCE-Chautauqua) offers a variety of activities, including the 4-H Program. Operating under an administration and organizational structure authorized by Cornell University as an agent for the State of New York, CCE-Chautauqua is a subordinate government entity with an educational mission. According to Internal Revenue Code section 501(c)(3), it is exempt from taxes. The organization is a member of the nationwide cooperative extension system, which is a partnership between the federal, state, and local governments for education. The system in this state is administered by Cornell, a land grant institution in New York. Under the general supervision of Cornell, each Cornell Cooperative Extension association is a separate employer under the direction of an elected Board of Directors. Every association strives to fulfill state and national objectives in addition to the demands of the counties in which they are situated. Call 716-664-9502 or visit our website at for additional information. Equal employment and program opportunities are offered by Cornell University Cooperative Extension.

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