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(WNY News Now) After receiving a notice of service termination from the Village of Mayville, Music For Your Mouth, a neighborhood eatery and community mainstay, experienced a chord of discord.
Karen and Al Simmons, who have been running the business for several years, reported yesterday that they were informed by the Village of Mayville that they would have their electricity turned off on Monday, January 27th, due to ice accumulation on the back of the building. They say the mayor sent them a message this morning stating that they owed $65 on their electric bill, which is supposedly the cause of the notification of service disconnection.
The couple, however, said that this is not feasible because they paid the remaining balance in November and were notified last month by the Village that a Good Samaritan had paid $1,000 toward their electric bill as a Christmas gift to help them stay in business. This sum was almost twice what was owed. Their January electricity bill isn’t due until tomorrow, January 25.
In a phone interview with WNY News Now, Mayville Mayor Richard Syper explained that the problem was caused by a major misunderstanding. The establishment had several meters and associated accounts, which resulted in the unpaid balance. A credit was applied to account for the excess after the December donation was applied to the desired meter. Mayor Syper pointed out that money cannot be moved between accounts, therefore the credit in the account that got the donation couldn’t be used to settle any outstanding amounts in other accounts.
subsequently the overdue debt has subsequently been paid, Mayor Syper said the establishment is not currently in danger of having its electric power cut off. He added that although the building’s ice accumulation might eventually lead to a service outage if it is not addressed, it is not currently being cited as the reason for any service outages and the establishment is not currently in danger of losing service because of it.
The fact that the pair is not the property’s owners, who would normally be in charge of upkeep, is another source of conflict. They say they haven’t heard from the property owner in eighteen months and have been putting their life savings in the business and property to repair problems that have arisen on their own. To address this problem, they have tried to buy the property, but their attempts to get in touch with the owner have failed.
Mayor Syper stated that the problem affecting the electric meter under the couple’s names was the reason the couple was told of the ice buildup rather than the landlord, and that the Village has no jurisdiction to step in when it comes to landlord-tenant disputes.
The community has come together to support the couple in every way possible, including melting the ice that has built on the rear of the building. The couple talked about the overwhelming outpouring of love they have received from the town.
Chautauqua County Executive PJ Wendel even paid them a visit this morning, expressing his desire to assist them in resolving the matter. Regarding the matter, Executive Wendel made the following statement: PJ Wendel, the county executive, is always willing to visit with nearby companies and offer advice and assistance when required. However, the Village of Mayville has jurisdiction over this specific issue.
Since the couple was awarded King and Queen at the Winter Fest last year for their community service, the institution has swiftly established itself as a cornerstone in the area.
In conclusion, despite widespread concerns that the establishment would lose its electric service, the symphony of music that has touched so many people’s hearts will go on unhindered.