(WNY News Now) At the Audubon Community Nature Center’s First Friday event on December 6, trail expert Jacob Bodway will discuss Chautauqua County’s expanding system of recreational trails and waterways.
First Friday, December 6, 11 a.m. to noon, at the Audubon Community Nature Center, Chautauqua County Trails with Jacob Bodway, Jamestown, N.Y.
Take a look at Chautauqua County’s amazing recreational activities with Bodway, trail coordinator for the Chautauqua County Partnership for Economic Growth.
In recent years, Chautauqua County has witnessed a significant increase in canal and trail improvements, as well as the creation of a new mobile and interactive trail map. In addition to giving an overview of how we got to where we are now and where we plan to go in the future, this presentation will highlight some of the county’s most significant ecotourism and recreational developments.
Growing up in Wisconsin’s woods, Bodway became passionate about trails and the natural world. After meeting Rachel, his future wife, he relocated to Fredonia, New York, while pursuing his Ph.D. in English literature. They fell in love with Chautauqua County’s natural splendor as they traveled the county’s trails together.
The Friends of Chautauqua County Greenways group was founded in 2020 after Bodway returned to Chautauqua County and reviewed the 2012 Chautauqua County Greenways Plan. He has contributed to the collection of about $750,000 for countywide recreation projects since 2020.
After the event, you can visit with Bodway if you would want to pack a lunch.
Children ages 9 to 15 and Nature Center members pay a program fee of $8 or $6. We welcome reservations by phone at (716) 569-2345 or online at AudubonCNC.org under Programs and Events. We welcome walk-ins.
The Audubon Community Nature Center is situated between Jamestown, New York, and Warren, Pennsylvania, at 1600 Riverside Road, a quarter mile east of Route 62. You may stroll more than five miles of trails every day from dawn to twilight for free, check in on the live birds of prey, and explore the roughly 600-acre nature preserve.
Interactive exhibits, a variety of live animals, including the Hellbender exhibit, and the Blue Heron Gift Shop are all housed in the three-story Nature Center building. Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Sunday from 14:30 p.m. are open to visitors. Every day, SNAP/EBT cardholders and Nature Center members can enter the building for free. Every Sunday, non-members of the Nature Center can access the building for free.
Visit AudubonCNC.org, contact (716) 569-2345, or search for Audubon Community Nature Center on Facebook to find out more about Audubon and its numerous programs. Visit AudubonCNC.org/about for a brief overview.
Audubon Community Nature Center builds and nurtures connections between people and nature by providing positive outdoor experiences, opportunities to learn about and understand the natural world, and knowledge to act in environmentally responsible ways.