It’s Illegal to Remove Barn Swallow Nests in Texas


Many Texas homeowners may not realize that removing a barn swallow nest from their property is illegal under federal law. The Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) protects barn swallows and many other bird species, making it unlawful to disturb their nests without a permit.

Why Are Barn Swallows Protected?

Barn swallows play a crucial role in controlling insect populations, particularly mosquitoes and flies. However, because they frequently build their nests on human structures—such as barns, garages, and porches—some property owners consider them a nuisance.

Legal Restrictions

Under the MBTA, it is illegal to:

  • Destroy an active barn swallow nest (one with eggs or chicks).
  • Harm or kill barn swallows without a special permit.
  • Disturb the birds during nesting season, which typically lasts from spring to late summer.

What Can Homeowners Do?

  • Prevent nest building by installing deterrents before the breeding season.
  • Use netting or barriers to block access to common nesting areas.
  • Obtain permits for nest removal if there is a significant reason (e.g., health hazards).


It’s Illegal to Remove Barn Swallow Nests in Texas

While barn swallows can be inconvenient for some homeowners, they are a protected species, and removing their nests without permission can lead to fines and penalties. Homeowners should explore legal and humane ways to manage bird populations on their property.

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