(WNY News Now) Jamestown, New York On Thursday night, a normal landlord-tenant contact on the west side of the city turned into a foot chase and an arrest.
Officers from the Jamestown Police Department’s Second Platoon arrived at a west-side house at approximately 7:05 p.m. Officers found 28-year-old Lisa M. Tucker leaving an apartment bathroom while resolving a landlord-tenant conflict. Tucker gave the name of another Jamestown resident when asked who she was.
When the authorities realized it was a fake identification, they told Tucker to stop. Rather, she left the house on foot, which led to a brief chase. She struggled for a few moments before being captured by officers. Tucker gave the bogus name to avoid being arrested on an outstanding warrant from another agency, according to additional inquiry.
After being arrested, Tucker was transferred to Jamestown City Jail. She is charged with second-degree criminal impersonation, second-degree obstruction of governmental administration, and resisting arrest. She is being jailed in Jamestown City Court for her arraignment. The accused is deemed innocent until proven guilty in a court of law, just like everyone else who is accused of a crime.