(WNY News Now) Rising water levels and hazardous wave action along Lake Erie have prompted the issuance of a Lakeshore Flood Warning for Erie and Chautauqua counties from 10 AM on January 27 to 4 AM on January 28.
A Lakeshore Flood Warning has been issued for Erie and Chautauqua counties by the National Weather Service (NWS) Buffalo. The warning will be in effect from 10 AM on January 27 until 4 AM on January 28. This warning is issued because of the anticipated rapid rise in water levels along Lake Erie’s eastern shore, which will have a major impact on flooding in the lakeside areas.
A number of high-risk areas, such as Dunkirk Harbor, Buffalo Harbor and Canalside, Route 5 in Hamburg, and other flood-prone areas, are expected to experience flooding. High waves and rising water are predicted to create hazardous conditions in areas along the shore. Significant shoreline erosion is also anticipated, endangering local safety and infrastructure.
It is imperative that locals and tourists in the impacted areas pay attention to the warning. The NWS advises avoiding beaches, piers, rock outcroppings, and breakwaters. People could be washed into the lake by the waves, which can be stronger than they seem. Because of the exceedingly dangerous conditions, authorities are also warning against boating in the impacted areas.
There will probably be more debris and local road closures, especially along Route 5 and in other low-lying areas that are vulnerable to flooding. For information on road conditions and possible evacuation advisories, the NWS also suggests that locals keep an eye on the news.