(WNY News Now) – The Mental Health Association (MHA) in Chautauqua County has launched a new Suicide Loss Survivor Support Group, providing a compassionate space for those grieving the loss of a loved one to suicide.
Jamestown, N.Y. – At the Mental Health Association in Chautauqua County (MHA), they know that someone who has lost a loved one to suicide suffers their own unique experience of grief.
The MHA’s new Suicide Loss Survivor Support Group is led by volunteer Tina Morgan, who lost her son to suicide. It recognizes that suicide loss is grief unlike any other and that those who have not been through it don’t necessarily understand. It is a safe place, where confidentiality is of the utmost importance. And whatever participants’ beliefs, they are welcome to share without fear of judgment.
MHA Activities/PR Coordinator Dianne Valvo introduced Morgan at the MHA’s October recovery luncheon. Morgan shared that she is starting the Suicide Loss Survivor Support Group so others won’t feel as lonely as she has. The group meets 4:45–5:45 p.m. on Thursdays at the MHA in the Gateway Building, Door 14, 31 Water Street, Jamestown. To learn more, call (716) 661-9044.
At the luncheon, Interim Executive Director Michael Nordin welcomed Jamestown Mayor Kim Ecklund, New York State Assembly Candidate Mike Bobseine’s wife Susan Parker, and MHA Board Member Jennifer Howe.
Nordin announced that the Chautauqua County Code Blue Warming Center opens at 917 Washington Street on November 1. Through April 3, it will provide shelter from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. whenever the nighttime temperature is freezing or below.
Nordin awarded certificates to participants for achieving milestones in their recovery, gaining employment, and legally changing their name. He also recognized two participants for starting an All-Recovery Anonymous group; it meets on Mondays at 5:30 p.m. and is open to anyone with any addiction issue.
Valvo also recognized an Art in Recovery group participant for achieving 500 days of sobriety.
Finance Director Jill Marsh encouraged the sign-up of children ages birth to 12 for Toys for Tots. Registration is through MHA’s front desk with a November 27 deadline.
The meal was prepared and served by members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Jamestown, under the direction of Betsy Trusel.
The Mental Health Association in Chautauqua County is a peer recovery center offering support groups and individual coaching for people looking to improve their lives, deepen wellness, thrive in recovery, or support those on a recovery path. Peers use their personal stories to help people find recovery in their own lives in their own way.
The MHA commits to radical acceptance, empowerment, and advocacy for community members who struggle with mental health and substance use.
MHA’s Jamestown recovery center in the Gateway Building, Door 14, at 31 Water Street, is open Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9:30 a.m.–7 p.m., and Tuesday and Friday, 9:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m. Hours for the north county center at Grace Lutheran Church, 601 Eagle Street in Dunkirk, are Tuesday and Wednesday, 9:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m.
To learn more about the Mental Health Association, call (716) 661-9044 or visit MHAChautauqua.org or facebook.com/MHAChautauqua. A schedule with descriptions of MHA’s dozens of groups and classes is at MHAchautauqua.org/groups.
To receive MHA newsletters and communications, send an email to MHAChautauqua.org/email.