Company tied to Alex Jones disputes The Onion’s purchase of Infowars
A company tied to conspiracy theorist Alex Jones filed Monday to disputethe saleof the Infowars website to the parody site The Onion, calling it improper and unfair.
In the morning, First United American Cos., a limited liability company that runs Jones online supplements store, filed an emergency motion to disqualify the winning bid of The Onion s parent company, Global Tetrahedron, to purchase the Infowars media empire and other assets. The filing alleged that the bankruptcy trustee improperly colluded with Connecticut families who wonnearly $1.5 billionin legal judgments against Jones after he called the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting a hoax. The company running Jones online store had placed a competing bid against The Onion to purchase the estate.
In its filing, FUAC said its final...