Would Tulsi Gabbard bring a pro-Russian bias to intelligence reporting?
Days after Russia launched an
unprovoked full-scale invasion
of Ukraine in 2022, with missiles and artillery rounds
raining down on Kyiv
and other cities, former Democratic lawmaker Tulsi Gabbard posted a perplexing video message.
“It’s time to put geopolitics aside and embrace the spirit of aloha, respect and love, for the Ukrainian people by coming to an agreement that Ukraine will be a neutral country—i.e. no military alliance with NATO or Russia,”
the former Hawaii congresswoman wrote
on social media. Such an arrangement would “allow the Ukrainian people to live in peace. Aloha.”
Unlike her former colleagues in Congress and the leaders of Western democratic countries, Gabbard offered no condemnation of Russia and no reference to the unprovoked nature of the a...