Monday, October 21

7 ‘Secret Spots’ Burglars Check First When Invading Florida Homes

Home security is a serious concern for many Florida residents, especially in light of the recent rise in property crimes in the Sunshine State. According to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, there were 267,559 burglaries reported in 2022, an increase of 8.7% from the previous year. While some burglaries are random and opportunistic, others are planned and targeted by savvy criminals who know where to look for valuables. If you think you have a clever hiding spot for your cash, jewelry, or other precious items, you may want to think again. Here are seven ‘secret spots’ that burglars check first when invading Florida homes.

1. Under the Mattress

This is probably the oldest and most obvious hiding spot in the book, but some people still use it for convenience or lack of better options. However, burglars know this too, and they will head straight to the master bedroom and lift the mattress to see what’s underneath. If you don’t want to lose your hard-earned money or sentimental items, avoid this spot at all costs.

2. In the Freezer

Some people think that hiding their valuables in the freezer is a smart idea, since it’s unlikely that a burglar would rummage through your frozen food. However, this is actually a common hiding spot that thieves are aware of, and they will check your freezer for any unusual containers or packages that may contain cash or jewelry. Plus, you run the risk of damaging your items due to moisture or temperature changes.

3. In Dresser Drawers

Another easy and accessible hiding spot is in your dresser drawers, especially the ones that contain your underwear or socks. You may think that a burglar would not bother to look through your personal items, but they will. In fact, they may even dump the contents of your drawers on the floor to make sure they don’t miss anything. Don’t make it easy for them to find your valuables by hiding them in plain sight.

4. In the Closet

You may have a box, a bag, or a suitcase in your closet that you use to store your valuables, thinking that it’s out of sight and out of mind. However, burglars will also check your closet for any potential loot, and they will not hesitate to open or break any containers that may hold something valuable. If you have a safe in your closet, make sure it’s bolted down and secured with a strong lock, otherwise it may be carried away by the thieves.

5. In the Medicine Cabinet

Your medicine cabinet may seem like an unlikely place to hide your valuables, but some people do it anyway, thinking that burglars are only interested in prescription drugs or painkillers. However, burglars may also look for cash, jewelry, or other items that they can sell or pawn easily. If you have any valuables in your medicine cabinet, move them to a more secure location.

6. In a Flower Vase

A flower vase may look like a decorative and innocent item, but it may also attract the attention of burglars who are looking for hidden treasures. Some people use empty flower vases to stash their valuables, thinking that no one would suspect them. However, burglars may check your flower vases for any signs of hidden compartments or false bottoms, and they may even smash them to see what’s inside. If you want to use a flower vase as a hiding spot, make sure it has some flowers in it to make it less suspicious.

7. In the Office Desk Drawers

Your home office may seem like a safe and private place to hide your valuables, especially if you have a locked desk drawer or a filing cabinet. However, burglars may also target your office, knowing that you may keep important documents, checks, or electronic devices there. They may use tools or force to open your drawers or cabinets, and they may even take your whole computer or laptop with them. If you have any valuables in your office, make sure they are encrypted, backed up, and protected with passwords.

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Burglars are always looking for easy and quick ways to find and steal your valuables, and they know the common hiding spots that many people use. If you want to protect your belongings from theft, you need to be more creative and cautious about where you hide them. You may also want to invest in a home security system, a surveillance camera, or a motion sensor to deter or catch any intruders. Remember, your home is your castle, and you should do everything you can to keep it safe and secure.

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