Deputy Sheriff’s Fiancée Pays Tearful Tribute After Ambush-Style Killing

The heartbroken fiancée of Deputy Sheriff Ryan “Clink” Clikunbroomer, who tragically lost his life in an ambush-style shooting while stationed in his patrol vehicle in Los Angeles County, made her first public statement during a press conference held on Wednesday to announce murder charges against the suspect.

Ryan, a 30-year-old deputy, had recently become engaged to Brittany Lindsey just four days before the devastating incident. Overcome with emotion, Lindsey took the podium, tears flowing, to share her sentiments. She expressed, “Ryan was the most remarkable man I’ve ever encountered. His thoughtfulness and compassion knew no bounds. The time we had together was far too brief. I eagerly anticipated building our life together, getting married, and starting a family.”

Investigations indicate that on September 16, the suspect, 29-year-old Kevin Salazar, launched an unexpected attack on Clinkunbroomer as he waited at a red light near the intersection of Sierra Highway and Avenue Q. Tragically, Deputy Clikunbroomer succumbed to his injuries despite being rushed to Antelope Valley Medical Center.

Following an extensive standoff at his Palmdale residence early Monday morning, Salazar was taken into custody in connection with the shooting. In response to the charges, the 29-year-old entered dual pleas of not guilty and not guilty by reason of insanity, citing mental health issues, including schizophrenia, as factors.

The criminal complaint against Salazar also includes special circumstances such as lying in wait, murder of a peace officer, and discharging a .22-caliber revolver from a vehicle.

Standing alongside Clinkunbroomer’s parents, brother, and sister, Brittany Lindsey extended her gratitude to the law enforcement community for their unwavering support during this tragic time. She also expressed immense appreciation to those who played a role in resolving the case.

In a poignant moment, Lindsey addressed her beloved late fiancé, urging him to watch over his fellow “brothers and sisters in blue” as they continue their service to the community. She concluded her speech by saying, “Ryan, I deeply miss you and love you. I never imagined a life without you, and I’m unsure how to navigate it. Until we meet again.”

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