This City in Pennsylvania Was Just Named One of the Saddest/ Unhappiest Cities in the Entire Country

Many factors contribute to a city being labeled as “unhappy,” such as high poverty rates, unemployment, crime, and limited access to resources. In Pennsylvania, Reading is frequently identified as the most melancholic city in the state.

Reading, Pennsylvania

Reading is a city in Berks County, Pennsylvania, boasting a population of over 88,000 people. The city grapples with a substantial poverty rate, as more than 26% of residents live below the poverty line. Moreover, the median household income in Reading falls significantly below the national average.

Reading also contends with high unemployment and crime rates. It ranks as one of Pennsylvania’s most perilous cities, with a violent crime rate twice the national average.

Beyond these difficulties, Reading encounters a shortage of resources, as evident in its high school dropout rate and low college graduation rate. The city also offers limited job opportunities, making it challenging for residents to escape poverty.

Other Distressed Cities in Pennsylvania

Other Pennsylvania cities frequently labeled as sad include:

  • Allentown
  • Erie
  • Johnstown
  • New Castle
  • Scranton

These cities face similar challenges to Reading, including high poverty rates, unemployment, crime, and limited access to resources.

Why Are These Cities So Unhappy?

Several factors contribute to the sorrowful status of these cities:

Economic decline: Many of these Pennsylvania cities have experienced economic decline in recent decades, leading to job losses, a shrinking tax base, and reduced city services.

Poverty: Poverty is a major factor in many of these cities, resulting in challenges such as limited access to healthcare, education, and housing.

Crime: High crime rates create fear and insecurity among residents and hinder business operations.

Lack of resources: The cities often lack resources, including limited access to healthcare, education, and job training.

How Can These Cities Be Helped?

Various measures can be taken to assist the sorrowful cities in Pennsylvania:

Economic development investment: Investing in economic development can generate jobs, boost the tax base, and enhance city services, ultimately improving residents’ quality of life.

Poverty alleviation: Addressing poverty is crucial and can be achieved through investments in education, job training, and social programs.

Crime reduction: Reducing crime is vital; this can be accomplished by increasing police presence, investing in crime prevention programs, and tackling root causes such as poverty and limited opportunities.

Enhanced resource accessibility: Improving access to healthcare, education, and job training programs is fundamental to helping these cities.

It’s important to recognize that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for these cities. The approach should be tailored to each city’s specific needs. By addressing the contributing factors of unhappiness, like poverty, crime, and resource scarcity, we can create better communities for all residents.


Pennsylvania’s sorrowful cities face a number of challenges, but there are steps that can be taken to address these challenges and improve the quality of life for residents. Investing in economic development, alleviating poverty, reducing crime, and enhancing access to resources are essential steps in helping these cities thrive.

It is important to note that there is no one-size-fits-all solution for these cities. The approach should be tailored to each city’s specific needs. By working together, we can create better communities for all Pennsylvanians.


This Pennsylvania City Was Named One of the Worst Cities to Find a Job in the Entire Country

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