Sand and Clay Mining Expansion Proposed Near Hartsville: Public Input Invited

Brock’s Grading and Land Clearing LLC has submitted an application to the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (S.C. DHEC) to amend its permit for sand and clay mining. This amendment seeks to extend the existing operation by an additional 12.5 acres. The mining site is situated approximately 6.5 miles northwest of Hartsville and is specifically located at 1940 Rancho Road.

Alongside the application, the company has provided a revised reclamation plan aimed at restoring the site to grasslands. This mining operation encompasses two parcels identified as Tax Map Nos. 011-00-01-183 and 011-00-01-19.

The complete mining permit application and all associated documents are accessible for public review on the DHEC’s website at

During its technical assessment of the application, DHEC is open to receiving written public comments regarding the project until September 14, 2023. Public input holds the potential to influence DHEC’s decision on granting the permit by providing additional insights for consideration. It can also shape the specific terms and conditions that the company must adhere to if the permit is approved.

To ask questions, request additional information, or submit comments, please utilize DHEC’s ePermitting webpage linked above. You can access the project through the “Add Comment” tab at the top of the page.

For any assistance required, you can contact Kaylin E. Joye at 803-898-1367 or

In cases where there is significant public interest, DHEC may organize a public meeting.

According to data from the National Mining Association, the mining sector significantly contributes to South Carolina’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), contributing a total of $1,702 million. This industry directly employs 2,678 mine workers and indirectly creates a total of 18,113 jobs. Mining Labor Income makes a substantial contribution of $924 million to the state’s economy, both directly and indirectly.

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